Learn how to react in a crisis through Blackboard safety training videos

It’s not possible to predict when and how violent acts may occur, but the Arizona State University community can now learn more about volatile situations and how to react when a crisis occurs. Online safety trainings are now available through Blackboard to ASU faculty and staff.

“As a law enforcement agency, it is important that our community has a certain level of awareness about volatile incidents, so we educate by conducting critical-response trainings,” says John Pickens, ASU Chief of Police. “I encourage students, faculty and staff to watch the safety videos and become familiar with how to react if a dangerous situation occurs on campus. It could save someone’s life.”

Courses available with links to enroll are:

• Shots Fired, When Lightening Strikes: This training provides strategies for recognizing, preventing, and surviving an active shooter situation. Self enroll

• Shots Fired on Campus:  Students, faculty, and staff will learn valuable information on recognizing and surviving an active shooter situation on campus. Self enroll

• Flashpoint, Recognizing and Preventing Violence in the Workplace:  Learn to recognize warning signs of violence and take early action to prevent problems in the workplace. Self enroll

• Flashpoint on Campus: Campus community members learn to recognize warning signs of violence and understand how to respond. Self enroll

• Silent Storm-Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking, the Impact on the Workplace:  Intimate partner violence and its potential to spill into the workplace is explored in this training. Self enroll

• Safe Passage Travel Companion: Travelers can reduce exposure to threats by learning critical strategies, techniques and procedures aimed at minimizing travel risks, including how to survive a hostage situation. Self enroll

Any of these incidents is potentially catastrophic. The university community is encouraged to learn more about avoiding violence by enrolling in these trainings. Trainings will be broadened to include the entire ASU community once feedback is received after the initial rollout.

For additional information about the videos schedule or to conduct a training session, visit the ASU Police Department Crime Prevention Unit webpage, or contact ASU Assistant Police Chief Rich Wilson at (480) 965-7747 or ASU Sergeant Michele Rourke at (480) 965-0421.