Law professor presents paper at Amsterdam conference

Professor Jon Rose presented his paper, “Maintenance in Medieval England: Overview & Summary,” during the Second Biennial Conference of the European Society of Comparative Legal History, July 9-10, at the University of Amsterdam.
Rose also commented on the conference’s Plenary Lecture, “The Challenges of Comparative Legal History,” and moderated a panel. Joining Rose were panelists from the University of Helsinki in Finland, Tel-Aviv University in Israel, and Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania.
After spending most of his career focusing on antitrust, regulation and legal ethics, Rose changed direction. His primary scholarly interests now involve medieval and early modern English legal history, and his research focuses on the history and regulation of the legal profession and the operation of the medieval legal system. Rose has also written on early defamation law, medieval prisons and the historiography of legal history.