Law professor comments on Arizona's Prop. 120

Professor Joe Feller was quoted in an article in The Arizona Republic written by Ron Dungan on Oct. 6, titled “Prop. 120 would let state rule resources.”
Proposition 120, a referendum which would have allowed Arizona to declare state sovereignty over all land and natural resources, was rejected by voters on Nov. 6.
"The whole thing is just absurd," Feller said. "It is contrary to an agreement we made with the United States when we became a state. It's a political statement. It's not a law that will have any effect."
To read the article, click here.
Feller is a Faculty Fellow for ASU’s Center for Law, Science & Innovation, and teaches water law, natural resources law and property law. He opposed the proposition. His writings have appeared in numerous legal and scientific journals, and he is an author of the American Bar Association's NEPA Litigation Guide. He is a leading advocate for reform of livestock grazing on public lands in the western United States, and has represented environmental interests in litigation before administrative boards, federal district courts and courts of appeal, and the U.S. Supreme Court.