Kittrie speaks at Defense Department 'Threat Day'

Professor Orde Kittrie was a featured speaker at “Threat Day 2013,” the annual conference sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department's Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office. Kittrie spoke on the topic, “Lawfare and U.S. National Security.” "Lawfare" is the use of law as a substitute for traditional military means to achieve national security objectives.
“Threat Day” is attended by approximately 600 government and military personnel. The theme of “Threat Day 2013,” which was held on January 9, 2013, was “Unconventional Threats.”
Kittrie is the author of a leading scholarly article on lawfare, titled "Lawfare and U.S. National Security," 43 CASE W. RES. J. INT’L L. 393-421 (2010). The article is available online at
Kittrie has previously been a speaker on lawfare issues at the law schools of Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the ASU law faculty, Kittrie served for eleven years in legal and policy positions at the U.S. Department of State.