Kittrie participates in published Iran roundtable

Professor Orde Kittrie participated in a recently published Iran sanctions roundtable sponsored by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control. Other participants included senior diplomats from the British and French embassies. To read the moderator’s summary of the discussion, click here. An analysis of the discussion may be found here.
Kittrie is a leading expert on nonproliferation law and policy issues. Prior to joining the ASU law faculty, Kittrie served for 11 years in legal and policy positions at the U.S. Department of State. As the Department's lead attorney for nuclear affairs, he participated in negotiating five U.S.-Russia nuclear nonproliferation agreements and a U.N. treaty to combat nuclear terrorism. From 2008 to 2012, Kittrie served as Chair of the Nonproliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament group of the American Society of International Law. He also has testified on nonproliferation issues before both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.