Kader attends reception for Kosovo president

<p>Professor <a href="http://www.law.asu.edu/Apps/Faculty/Faculty.aspx?individual_id=128">Dav… Kader</a>, of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, attended a presentation of the first Distinguished Global Leadership Award, which was given by ASU's Office of Global Engagement to Dr. Fatmire Sejdiu, president of Kosovo, on Monday, Feb. 23.</p><separator></separator><p>Kader greeted Sejdiu at a reception following the event, along with other members of a delegation from the ASU Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies who will be traveling to Kosovo in May.</p><separator></separator><p>In January, Kader gave a presentation as part of a three-week &quot;citizen's exchange&quot; seminar with religious and non-governmental leaders from Kosovo. Last summer, he visited Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia as part of two events discussing freedom of religion, again as part of a Melikian Center delegation.</p><separator></separator><p>&quot;It has been a privilege these past four or five years to be part of the Melikian Center's efforts to relate to the people and issues throughout the Balkans,&quot; Kader said. &quot;My presentation to and discussion with a delegation from Kosovo early this year on questions of religion and government will continue in Kosovo come this May. I very much look forward to this ongoing national democratization project in Kosovo.&quot;</p><separator></separator><p>To read a <i>State Press</i> story about the presentation click <a href="/20090225_kosovopresident">here</a>.</p><separator></separator><p>Judy Nichols, <a href="mailto:judith.nichols@asu.edu&quot; target="_blank">Judith.Nichols@asu.edu</a><br />(480) 727-7895 <br />Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law</p>