Innovations in Nursing & Health magazine: Fall 2012

As the nature of health care in the U.S. continues to evolve, health education takes the lead in a transdisciplinary, interprofessional approach to finding health solutions. ASU’s pioneering approach involves integrated, interprofessional programs that draw on the expertise of individuals from various fields and cultures to begin solutions-oriented discourse, foster collaboration, conduct research, and do more. Download the full issue to learn how ASU Health Solutions is transcending boundaries.
Men in nursing
It was men who attended the world’s first nursing school in India in 250 B.C., yet today, the percentage of practicing male nurses in the U.S. hovers at a mere six to seven percent. Why? There is an old saying, “Based on results, you are exactly where you choose to be.” How can it be that 40 years after the passing of the landmark Education Amendment of 1972, with a full generation of young people being raised with federally mandated equal education opportunities, there is still such a gender disparity in the nursing field? What can be done to encourage more men to join the profession to correct this unfortunate imbalance? See feature story
Military veterans choose nursing
Responsibility, leadership and disciplinary skills developed in military help students excel in nursing
Arizona State University has seen veteran enrollment double in the last four years, with 1,600 veterans currently enrolled in graduate and undergraduate programs, according to Christian Rauschenbach, Program Manager, Veteran Services, ASU. Larger numbers of veterans are choosing to pursue higher education after leaving military service as a result of the post–9/11 increase in education benefits for veterans and a tough job market.
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