Hubble's greatest hits at next ASU Earth and Space Open House

Pillars of Creation: the Eagle Nebula

One of the most iconic images ever taken by the Hubble Space Telescope – dubbed "The Pillars of Creation" – is the centerpiece for a celebration of the space telescope's 25th birthday at the final Earth and Space Open House of the spring semester, on April 24.

The evening's events will feature two free public talks by researchers at the School of Earth and Space Exploration. The first, given by Christopher Groppi, will focus on how astronomers are launching balloon-borne telescopes from Antarctica to investigate the universe.

The second talk, by Paul Scowen, is titled "Hubble Greatest Hits." Scowen, who used Hubble to help make the Pillars of Creation image, will tell the fascinating story of star and planet formation through a tour of Hubble's greatest hits.

"Join us for an intimate look at the environment of a stellar nursery and an intriguing connection with the conditions under which our own planet may have formed, all while enjoying some of the best images the Hubble Space Telescope has taken over the past 25 years," says Scowen.

The free talks will be held in at the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building IV (ISTB 4) on ASU’s Tempe campus.

The evening's program includes:

• 7:15 p.m., first 3-D planetarium show, Marston Exploration Theater
• 7:30 p.m., lecture on "Telescopes on Balloons in Antarctica" by Christopher Groppi, room 240
• 8:15 p.m., keynote lecture on "Hubble's Greatest Hits" by Paul Scowen, Marston Exploration Theater
• 9:15 p.m., second 3-D planetarium show, Marston Exploration Theater

All seating is on a first-come basis.

As usual, there will be telescope sky viewing outdoors next to the James Turrell Skyscape art installation from 8 to 10 p.m. (weather permitting). There will also be several exciting demonstrations and activities in the state-of-the-art ISTB4 Gallery of Scientific Exploration by experts in astrobiology, geology, cosmology and planetary science – as well as a free poster.

The open house can be accessed through the main entrance of ISTB 4, located on the building’s north side.

The monthly open house is sponsored by the School of Earth and Space Exploration, GeoClub, AstroDevils: ASU Astronomy Club, Icarus Rocketry, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), the Center for Meteorite Studies (CMS) and many others.

For more information, visit or visit the school's Facebook event page. This will be the final open house of the spring semester.

The School of Earth and Space Exploration is an academic unit of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.