Hodge talks about new health practices during podcast

James Hodge, ASU Lincoln Professor of Health Law and Ethics, and Director of the College of Law’s Public Health Law and Policy Program, was featured in a Partnership for Prevention podcast that discussed the practice of expedited partner therapy (EPT).

“This new innovation and public health practice is something designed to help treat the partners of persons with specific sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhea,” Hodge said. “And specifically the technique is really quite simply stated, with EPT, physicians and public health practitioners reach out to the partners of individuals with the specific STDs and work through those individuals to provide the medical treatment to the partners without the partners having to themselves seek clinical treatment. So basically what EPT does is it expedites therapies to the partner to make sure that we cut the circular chain of how an individual patient may be re-infected with a condition, as well as treat the partner.”

To listen to the podcast, click here.

Through scholarly and applied work, Hodge delves into multiple areas of public health law, global health law, ethics, and human rights. Hodge teaches Health Law, Ethics, and Policy, Public Health Law and Ethics and Global Health Law and Policy at the College of Law. In September 2010, he was named Director of the Public Health Law Network - Western Region. Hodge also is an affiliated faculty member in the Global Health program in the School of Human Evolution & Social Change at ASU.

Staci McCabe, Staci.McCabe@asu.edu
(480) 965-8702
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law