Hodge publishes article about caffeinated beverages

James G. Hodge Jr., ASU Lincoln Professor of Health Law and Ethics, and Director of the College of Law’s Public Health Law and Policy Program, published an article entitled, “The Consumable Vice: Caffeine, Public Health, and the Law,” in the Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy.

The article, written in collaboration with two students, 3L Megan Scanlon and 2L Andrew Sorenson, and a local attorney affiliated with the College of Law’s Public Health Law and Policy Program, discusses various caffeinated beverages and their positive and negative health effects.

Through scholarly and applied work, Hodge delves into multiple areas of public health law, global health law, ethics, and human rights. Hodge teaches health law, ethics, and policy, public health law and ethics and global health law and policy at the College of Law. Hodge also is an affiliated faculty member in the Global Health program in the School of Human Evolution & Social Change at ASU.

Staci McCabe, Staci.McCabe@asu.edu
(480) 965-8702
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law