Hinshaw presents at ABA Conference

Professor Art Hinshaw, Director of the Lodestar Dispute Resolution Program, organized and helped facilitate a program entitled, "Law Professors' Forum: Mediation Shoptalk," at the 11th Annual ABA Dispute Resolution Section Conference, April 15-18 in New York City.

The program revolved around the findings of recent studies of mediation users, including The ABA Task Force on Improving Mediation Quality and "Secrets of Successful Mediators" by Margaret Shaw and Stephen Goldberg. As chairman of the Section's Legal Education Committee, Hinshaw also was responsible for organizing the Legal Educators' Colloquium, a full day of the conference targeted solely to academics.

Hinshaw's research and teaching interests lie in the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), primarily mediation and negotiation. His research melds ADR theory and practice and includes one of the first published empirical studies of a statewide ADR program in the United States. Hinshaw's teaching responsibilities include the Lodestar Mediation Clinic and Negotiation, among other ADR courses.

Janie Magruder, Jane.Magruder@asu.edu
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law