Hall of Fame athletes, coaches pay visit at Block Party
This year’s ASU Block Party welcomes students, alumni and community members to interact and reacquaint themselves on the Tempe campus’ Old Main Lawn immediately following the Homecoming parade Nov. 15. The Office of Public Affairs will be among the many tents to offer food, drinks and information about the university.
A number of alumni, including athletic coaches and athletes, will be at the Public Affairs tent to meet and greet the university community.
Among them will be: Greg Blakes, football (1977-1978); Culp Curley, football and wrestling (1965-1968); Steve Holden, football and track (1970-1972); Prentice McCray, football (1970-1972); Alvin Moore, football (1978-1982); Fred Mortensen, football (1975-1976); Bob Pfister, football (1975-1976); Harold Slemmer, football (1974); Joe Spagnola, football (1968-1970); Gary Venturo, football (1968-1970); Paul Widmer, football (1960-1962); Bob Widmer, football (1955-1959); Jim Kelley, football (1970); Ben Malone, football (1971-1973); Dennis Sproul, football (1974-1977); Max Anderson, football and wrestling (1965-1967); Butch Metcalf, football (1987-1990); John Mistler, football (1978-1980); Joe Pretty, football (1970-1972); Ron Pritchard, football (1966-1968); Ed Roseborough, football (1967-1968); Dan White, football and baseball (1971-1973); Darryl Gil, football (1976-1978); Larry Walton, football and track (1968-1969); Jose Burrel and Ted Newman.