Hackett, Enz take interim positions at Polytechnic campus
ASU officials have announced the appointments of Gail Hackett as interim dean and Billie J. Enz as interim associate dean of the School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation at the Polytechnic campus.
Hackett will continue in her role as university vice provost and dean of University College and will assume these additional responsibilities this month, replacing Bette Bergeron, who accepted the dean position in the School of Education at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville.
“Dean Hackett and Dr. Enz plan to continue to build on the strong programs that Dr. Bette Bergeron and the excellent faculty and staff have built over the past nine years,” says Betty Capaldi, ASU's executive vice president and provost.
Hackett is an educational psychologist whose research has been focused on vocational psychology and academic achievement. She has held several administrative roles at ASU, including in the Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, where she was director of the Division of Psychology in Education and associate dean. Before her appointment as dean of University College, she served as vice provost for academic personnel at ASU.
Enz, who is the faculty director of teacher education at the Downtown Phoenix campus, has extensive administrative experience in the Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, serving as director of student teaching, director of the Beginning Educator Support Team program, and associate division director of professional development programs in the Division of Curriculum and Instruction.
In this last role, she also worked closely with the many school districts throughout Maricopa County and the state.
Enz will begin to take over the day-to-day administrative responsibilities at the School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation on a part-time basis, and will be working full time on the Polytechnic campus June 1.
Enz's scholarly focus has been in the area of early childhood education emergent literacy and language development, teacher development, and induction and mentor support.
Hackett and Enz will help establish the School of Educational Innovation and Teacher Preparation as a freestanding school from East College.