Gym Devils open season with a victory over UC Davis

Arizona State welcomed UC Davis for their season opener with a close call win over the Aggies. The Gym Devils put up great numbers for their first meet of the season with high scores by Beate Jones, Natelle Gentile, and Stephanie Hangartner on vault.  The Sun Devils would go on to finish their season kick off with a total score of 190.850-190.500 over the Aggies. 

The Sun Devils opened with their first event on vault.  The team combined a total score of 48.125.  Callie Price got the Gym Devils off to a great start by sticking her landing for a score of 9.525.  Natelle Gentile followed right behind Price with her first event as a freshman, sticking her landing for a score of 9.575.  Sophomore Samantha Seaman perfectly stuck her landing for the high score of 9.775, the highest score the Devils would receive on vault.  Beate Jones would fall just short of Seaman's score with another high scoring run of 9.750. 

Bars was up next event up for the Gym Devils and really started the ladies momentum.  Jones received a score of 9.825, which ties her career high set last season against Washington.  Senior Kahoku Palafox had a perfect set and landed with the highest score for the Sun Devils on bars of 9.850.  Stephanie Hangartner had another perfect landing to give her a score of 9.775.  The Sun Devils finished strong with a combined total of 48.700.

Jones was the first Sun Devil to take on beam and after falling in the very beginning of her routine, Jones finished with a score of 9.025. Brianna Gades ended her routine with a graceful dismount, as did Gentile.  Both of the freshman received back-to-back scores of 9.675.  Morgan Steigerwalt also tied the two freshmen with a score of 9.675 after hopping out of her dismount.  The three received the highest scored on the beam for the Sun Devils, totaling 47.650 on the event. 

The Sun Devils finished the night with their floor routines, with the highpoint coming on Jones' spectacular routine, which earned a score of 9.700.  Steigerwalt finished strong for the Sun Devils with a score of 9.550, which would close out the Gym Devils for their first victory of the season with a 190.850-190.500 win over the Aggies.