Give blood, win a Jetta
The United Blood Services mobile donor center will be at ASU six times during the month of August and all donors will be entered in a drawing for a 2011 Volkswagen Jetta.
The Jetta is being provided by Valley Volkswagen dealers, and entries will be accepted through Aug. 31.
All types of blood are needed, but O-negative is always in greatest demand.
The Bloodmobile will be at the Tempe campus from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Aug. 22-26, parked north of the Memorial Union, and from noon to 5 p.m., Aug. 24, in the Maroon Gym at the Student Recreation Complex.
To make a donation appointment, or to find additional Tempe-area Bloodmobile stops, call 1-877-UBS-HERO (1-877-827-4376) toll free or visit
Donors may give blood up to three times per year.