Get in Gear bicycle registration contest is under way

A police officer and Sparky on a bike stand outside near a pop-up tent.

The ASU Police Department kicks off its third consecutive Get in Gear bicycle registration contest, from Sept. 12 through Oct. 24.

The contest was created in an effort to prevent theft and to build safety awareness with bicyclists across all ASU campuses.

Registration is free and can be done easily online at:

Registering one's bike provides a record of ownership and can aid in the recovery if it is ever stolen.

“Bicycle registration is beneficial to ASU community members, as it is designed to help protect their personal property,” said Jim Hardina, ASU Police Department assistant chief. “As the fall semester continues, it’s important for bicyclists to be observant and to report any criminal activity.”

ASU students, faculty and staff are eligible to enter the contest if they have registered their bicycle with the ASU Police Department since Aug. 1, 2013.

During the contest timeframe, two prizes will be awarded each week; winners will be notified via email.

One lucky contest winner will receive a grand prize each semester the contest is held. The grand prize during both the fall 2012 and spring 2103 contests was an iPod nano. Weekly Get in Gear contest prizes include:

• Bicycle safety kits
• ASU-branded shirts
• Gift cards for Sun Devil Campus Stores and local retailers

Learn how to protect your bicycle by watching this video: