German education researcher to give lecture at ASU Oct. 10

Marcelo Caruso, a professor of history education at Humbolt University in Berlin, Germany, will give a lecture titled “Borders, Frontiers and Global ‘Western’ Schooling: Conceptual Perspectives for Comparative-Historical Research” from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Oct. 10 at the ASU Tempe campus.
The lecture, sponsored by Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, is free and open to students, educators and community members.
Caruso’s research focuses on the international circulation and reception of educational projects and technologies in the modern world, including local developments in Germany, Spain, Argentina, Brazil and Colombia. He is a member of the editorial board of "Paedagogica Historica, International Journal for the History of Education" and is one of the directors of "German Yearbook for History of Education." He is also the author and editor of numerous published books, all in German.
His lecture will explore the globalization of a model of Western schooling that has formed over the last three centuries. Caruso refers to two main forms of encounters that have shaped this process: those within cultures with written traditions, and those within orally-dominant cultures.
“Whereas these two main types of 'encounters' may have patterned the pace, intensity and coherence of adopting a Western type of schooling,” says Caruso, “I propose to consider also a mixed model, one in which Western communities expanded their cultural forms at cost of other, then subaltern, forms of cultural transmission.”
“Through using historical-comparative perspectives, I will explore a constructed form of cultural colonialism in the long history of globalization of Western institutions,” he explains.
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