Garreau quoted in 'Daily Caller' article

<p>Professor <a href="">… Garreau</a>, of the Sandra Day&nbsp;O'Connor College of Law,&nbsp;was quoted in an April 21 <em>Daily Caller</em> article entitled, “Earth Day – a national establishment of religion,” by reporter Robert Nelson.</p><separator></separator><p>The article suggests that environmentalism has become the newest religion. Garreau, the Director of the College of Law’s Prevail Project, argued that environmentalism fits the definition very well.</p><separator></separator><p>Religion is characterized by “a distinction between sacred and profane objects; a moral code; feelings of awe, mystery and guilt; adoration in the presence of sacred objects and during rituals; a worldview that includes a notion of where the individual fits; and a cohesive social group of the likeminded,” Garreau said.</p><separator></separator><p>To read the entire article, click <a href="…, who joined the College in 2010, is the author of <em>Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human</em>, a look at the hinge in history at which we have arrived. As director of The Prevail Project, he is building upon a <em>Radical Evolution</em> concept that the Prevail Scenario – the humanistic possibility that we can control and direct this future – might be encouraged. Garreau was a longtime reporter and editor at <em>The Washington Post</em>, and he is principal of The Garreau Group.</p><separator></separator><p>Staci McCabe, <a href=""></a><br />(480) 965-8702<br />Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law</p>