Gammage issues annual call for artists
Would you like to see your name in lights at ASU Gammage? Well, at least on a lighted wall, underneath your artwork?
Now is the time to submit a proposal for displaying your visual art during the fall-spring 2011-2012 season at ASU Gammage.
Work will be considered in any medium that can be displayed by hanging on walls.
Artists must be prepared to hang their own work and remove it when the exhibit is over.
Proposals from interested artists should include a statement about their work, a resume that includes contact information (address and telephone) and no more than 10 slides or digital images in jpeg format, representative of their work proposed for exhibiting at ASU Gammage. Slides or CD will be returned upon completion of the jury process.
Request forms can be found online at Click on “visitor information” and then “visual arts.”
The deadline for entries is Friday, April 8.
ASU Gammage
c/o Brad Myers, Exhibition Coordinator
P.O. Box 870105
Tempe, AZ 85287-0105
(480) 965-6912