'Futurist' forum comes to Polytechnic campus

As the East Valley continues to grow and develop, an expectation is that the Williams Gateway area will become an economic engine. In the midst of it sits Arizona State University’s Polytechnic campus, an ideal location to hold a discussion about the future of the Phoenix area.

On Nov. 30, the Polytechnic campus will play host to the Cox Communications East Valley Economic Forum presented by the East Valley Partnership (EVP). Since 1993, the EVP has been presenting the forum, which focuses on the future economic outlook and expectations of primarily the East Valley. "We are honored that the EVP decided to hold their annual economic forum at ASU’s Polytechnic campus," says Gerald S. Jakubowski, provost for the campus. "This is a wonderful opportunity for us to showcase the progress we have made in developing the campus and the future potential for the Williams Gateway Area."

Holding the event at the Polytechnic campus emphasizes the importance of having an ASU presence in an area that is primed to be an economic driver for the region during the next 20 years.

"East Valley Partnership has worked closely with ASU and has been active in efforts to grow the Polytechnic campus into a vibrant, nationally recognized polytechnic institution," says Roc Arnett, President of EVP. "The partnership also is heavily involved in developing a comprehensive strategic plan for the surrounding Williams Gateway area, so the new Student Union at the Polytechnic campus is a perfect setting for the event this year."

"Futurists" Michael Crow, President of Arizona State University; Richard Fennessy, President and CEO of Insight Enterprises; Lee McPheters, Director of the Bank One Economic Outlook Center; Ioanna Morfessis, President of IO.INC; and Mary Peters, recent Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration; will share their views and hold a discussion on how economic, educational, and technological developments are shaping our economy and our future. In addition to the main program, three local leaders will be honored with Cox Excel Awards for Excellence in Leadership.

Prior to the event, faculty, staff and students will provide assistance for those interested in trying the PING Swing Lab, receiving golf pointers on the driving range, observing a flight simulator demonstration, or touring a contemporary engineering studio before the main event begins. A reception and the main program will be held in the Student Union Ballroom and courtyard.

Approximately 450 elected officials, educators and business leaders are expected to attend the annual event. For more information, visit www.evp-az.org or call the East Valley Partnership office at (480) 834-8335.