Furnish presents paper at international meeting

Dale Furnish, Emeritus Professor of Law, recently presented a paper on "International Forum Non Conveniens" at the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law's XXXII Annual Meeting.

At the Nov. 10-15 event, Furnish sat as one of six international panelists at a session which discussed and critiqued the proposed new Code of Private International Law for Mexico.

Earlier, Oct. 6-9, Furnish participated in the Organization of American States' Seventh Commission on Private International Law meetings in Washington, D.C., where the Model Regulations for a Secured Transactions Registry were debated and modified into a final version that was approved and ratified by the OAS. This session culminated about five years of drafting and discussion, and produced a corollary to the Model Law of Secured Transactions produced in 2002.

Furnish enjoys an international reputation for his work in comparative law and International commercial and trade law, as well as U.S. commercial law. Bilingual in Spanish, he has been invited to teach and speak in every country in South and Central America, and has served as Visiting Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the University of Sonora, Mexico (UNISON), and on two occasions at the Catholic University of Peru. Furnish was elected a Supernumerary Member of the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law in 2003, one of only two U.S. jurists so honored to date.

Furnish is a roster member of the United States Panel of Arbitrators for NAFTA Chapter 19 disputes. As a Director of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade (NLCIFT), he participated in drafting a Model Inter-American Law of Secured Transactions approved by the Organization of American States in 2002, and its correlative Model Regulations for a Secured Transactions Registry approved by the OAS in 2009. He continues to work with the NLCIFT on law reforms that should stimulate more vigorous use of credit, and the growth of commerce and employment to alleviate poverty throughout the Americas and beyond. Specifically, Furnish has worked to reform secured transactions regimes in Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Tanzania since his retirement in 2004.

Judy Nichols, Judith.Nichols@asu.edu
(480) 727-7895
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law