Former football standout shows he's not a quitter

Shaun McDonald is not a quitter.

While most students make frequent driving commutes to show up for class, Shaun McDonald took commuter flights, because the recent ASU alumnus also is a professional football player for the St. Louis Rams.

He began his college education straight out of high school upon receiving a full scholarship to play football at ASU. He had a successful career at ASU, finishing it with 2,867 yards receiving – just 126 yards shy of the school career record.

In 2003, he left ASU to play professional football and was drafted by the Rams in the fourth round of the NFL draft. But before leaving ASU, McDonald made a promise to his ASU academic adviser, Corinne Corte, that he would finish his degree.

This year, McDonald kept his promise to Corte – although he says a lot of the recognition should go to her.

“Corinne played a big role in my academic career and deserves recognition,” McDonald says.

Through Corte's help, as well the support of his friends and family, Shaun registered as a full-time ASU student for this past spring semester.

He admits that being a full-time student at ASU and a professional football player in another city was difficult at times. His flights back and forth left him exhausted. But he pushed forward and finished all the requirements necessary to graduate this past semester, earning a 4.0 GPA along the way.

“While Shaun was a student-athlete at ASU, he was diligent about his academics, as well as the game of football,” Corte says. “He took both seriously, which is one of the reasons for his success in the NFL and the driving force for his return to graduate.”

She says that diligence makes him a role model for other student-athletes.

“When speaking to the current ASU football student-athletes, I use Shaun as an example of what needs to be done to be successful as an ASU athlete and student – and if possible, at the next level,” Corte says.

Lisa Campbell, (480) 965-3502