Focused on sustainability? There's an app for that

Teams of ASU faculty and staff are encouraged to complete an application for the ASU President’s Award for Sustainability when they have successfully developed, implemented and promoted sustainability principles, solutions, programs or services in the areas of teaching, learning, research, community outreach or campus operations.

A wide variety of projects have received the award, ranging from Grounds for Grounds, which diverts Tempe campus’ used coffee grounds from the landfill and puts them to use as a natural fertilizer and soil amendment, to Sustainability Science for Sustainable Schools, which teams ASU researchers, staff, graduate students, high school teachers and students, and district administrators in a project designed to address the challenge of becoming a sustainable school within the Phoenix metropolitan region.

The application form is online. The submission deadline is Jan. 9, 2014. Teams that receive this award will be recognized by President Michael Crow at a reception and award ceremony in April 2014.  

For more information, contact Linda Uhley in the Office of Human Resources at or visit