Flyers, stickers costly for crews to clean up

<p>Lattie Coor Hall is a cool cube of concrete and glass. Shimmering expanses of glass and walls of textured concrete command the eye – except when the walls and windows are plastered with flyers and pasted over with stickers.</p><separator></separator><p>Campus light poles also fall victim frequently to sticker-pasters. When the stickers are removed, the paint comes with them, causing more work – and expense for ASU’s paint crews. And stickers and tape even leave residue on concrete surfaces that is unattractive and hard to remove.</p><separator></separator><p>So what are the rules for posting flyers and stickers?</p><separator></separator><p>“People can post flyers on the concrete kiosks scattered around campus, but they are only supposed to put 2 copies on each kiosk, not wallpaper with them,” said Ellen Newell, associate director of Facilities Management.</p><separator></separator><p>“They can also post flyers in the planters – not in turf – but must remove them after their event is over. They may NOT post on trees, light posts, sidewalks, signs, or on buildings (except on approved bulletin boards).”</p><separator></separator><p>Stickers and tape are a nightmare for ASU’s paint shop, agreed Rose Barton, paint shop supervisor.</p><separator></separator><p>“In FY 2008/2009, the paint shop spent 1,094 hours removing graffiti, and posters. The cost was $27,840.81,” she said.</p><separator></separator><p>“When fliers and tape are removed, it removes the paint off the poles and doors. We could paint light poles non-stop, since almost all the poles have damage from stickers and tape. And there are approximately 3,200 poles on the Tempe campus.”</p>