Find a job and hone your skills this month

Career Services has a variety of events scheduled for the month of October to help you find a job and hone your skills. Mark your calendar, and take advantage of the many resources that Career Services offers.

Visit for more information.

Resumania Session II (Tuesday, Oct. 7)

Need help with your resume? Career Advisors along with local employers will conduct on-the-spot resume reviews for ASU students and alumni. Just in time for the Internship & Carere Fair on October 29.

Downtown Phoenix campus

Post Office Suite 110

Tuesday, October 7

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Dress for Success Fashion Show (Thursday, Oct. 9)

Own that interview and nail that presentation by dressing the part. Attend this event for answers to questions of what's appropriate to wear for professional occasions like interviews and presentations. Discover what "business casual" and "business professional" mean in the corporate world. Contemporary fashions from Dillard's San Tall Village modeled by Polytechnic students.

Polytechnic campus

Student Union, Cooley Ballrooms

Thursday, October 9

4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Career Fest (Thursday, Oct. 9)

Meet and speak with recruiters from companies, agencies and organizations throughout the country. This event is an opportunity to make professional contacts, and gather information on internships, jobs and more.

West campus

La Sala Ballrooms

Thursday, October 9

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Etiquette Luncheon (Thursday, Oct. 16)

Dinner or lunch with a prospective employer may not always be a formal interview, but you still need to make a positive impression. Learn how to conduct yourself properly in a business meeting or an interview over a formal meal. Industry executives host each round table, offering practice in conversing while dining. Open invitation to all students. Your $5 cover gets you a place at the table. RSVP and pay your fee at the Student Union Information Desk. Co-hosted by the Career Preparation Center and Student Activities on the Polytechnic campus.

Polytechnic campus

Student Union, Cooley Ballroom

Thursday, October 16

12 - 2 p.m.

Career Connections (Tuesday, Oct. 21)

Career Connections gives first and second year students an opportunity to meet with ASU alumni from various majors who work in a wide range of industries and careers. The alumni answer questions about their own career paths and backgrounds an dhow their degree and major may have helped them get where they are today. All majors are invited; dress is casual and no registration is required. You don't need to bring a resume, just plenty of curiosity.

Tempe campus

Old Main

Tuesday, October 21

9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Fall Polytechnic campus Career Fair (Thursday, Oct. 23)

This is the largest fall career event on the Polytechnic campus, attracting employers from across the country who seek ASU students and alumni for internship and career opportunities.

Polytechnic campus

Student Union, Cooley Ballroom

Thursday, October 23

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Fall Internship & Career Fair (Wednesday, Oct. 29)

Looking for a job or internship? Attend this event and meet many potential employers. This is the largest event of the semester on the Downtown Phoenix campus! Register with Sun Devil CareerLink to see a list of employers that will be attending.

Downtown Phoenix campus

Mercado, Building C - 502 E. Monroe St.

Wednesday, October 29

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.