Finalists vie for Academic Assembly president

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are biographies of the two candidates competing for the ASU Academic Assembly presidency.

Jere HumphreysJere Humphreys

Jere Humphreys, who has been on the ASU faculty for 20 years, said that if he is elected, he will “continue to work to bring together the university's constituencies to further our myriad missions in teaching, research, and service – all for the common good.”

Humphreys has written more than 100 publications, lectured and taught in 24 countries on six continents and directed 26 doctoral dissertations, several of which earned national honors.

Last April, he received the highest lifetime research award in his field. He has been a Senior Fulbright Scholar, an academic specialist for the U.S. State Department, a contributing editor to the upcoming new edition of the “New Grove Dictionary of American Music,” a member of 12 journal editorial committees and editor of one, and has been nominated for ASU Professor of the Year, ASU Distinguished Mentor of Women, and Herberger College of Fine Arts Teacher of the Year.

Humphreys has served on numerous committees at ASU, including the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (current chair); University Student-Faculty (Senate) Policy Committee; (Senate) Subcommittee on Academic Freedom Outside the Classroom (chair); School of Music Personnel (P&T) Committee (chair); ASU Alumni, Faculty, Staff Habitat for Humanity Committee (founding member); and was the faculty adviser for eight years for the Habitat for Humanity's campus chapter, among others.

Humphreys spearheaded efforts leading toward an ASU-sponsored Habitat for Humanity house – tentatively scheduled for construction by the ASU community in Guadalupe this fall – that he hopes will be the first sponsorship of its type.

“Part of our institution's mission is to reach into all segments of society to make the community, state, nation and world better places to live and work,” Humhreys says. “Central to our mission is the promotion of cooperation and ethical conduct – the highest levels of which must be imbedded in what we do and who we are as an institution.”

Philip Vandermeer Philip Vandermeer

“As president, I would work to develop a system of university-wide governance that facilitates cooperation among academic units and maintains the important role of the faculty in achieving institutional excellence,” Philip Vandermeer says.

Vandermeer has served on the College of Liberal Arts and Science's Dean's Advisory Committee on Computing, the Academic Standards Committee and the college senate.

He also has served on the CLAS Curriculum Committee for 10 years and chaired it for five years; served on and chaired the university General Studies Council; served on the University Assessment Council; and served on the university's Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee.

He has held two terms as a senator and currently is the parliamentarian, a member of the executive committee and a member of the Senate Consultative Committee.

“During my years at ASU I have actively participated in department, college, and university governance because I believe faculty governance is a crucial part of achieving institutional excellence,” Vandermeer says. “This has been readily apparent in recent years as the senate has helped shape decisions on key issues such as redesigning the university, promotion and tenure procedures – and, most recently, a policy on classified research.

“As a faculty member at ASU since 1985, I have seen great changes at this university, especially in the past five years. Efforts to create the New American University have significantly improved our research capabilities. Without ignoring the need to continue developing those strengths, we should shift some attention and resources to teaching and the curriculum.”

Vandermeer says that creating “one university in many places will mean forging a larger curriculum which is common to all academic units, and as president I would encourage the development of policies that facilitate student choices but also preserve the ability of departments to develop and maintain their own courses.”