Fellmeth publishes essay about gender identity, human rights law
An essay by Professor Aaron Fellmeth, “Choice of Gender Identity in International Human Rights Law,” was published as a chapter in a collection to honor Michael Reisman, Myres S. McDougal Professor of International Law at Yale Law School.
In the essay, Fellmeth explores the recent efforts by transgendered people to advance human rights claims, such as freedom from discrimination or recognition of their claimed gender. Fellmeth also examines some reasons why tying transgendered human rights to similar rights for homosexuals may be beneficial, as well as exploring some of the issues with tying the two types together.
To read the entire essay, click here.
Fellmeth, a Faculty Fellow in the College’s Center for Law, Science & Innovation and in the Center for Law and Global Affairs, has studied international law from an interdisciplinary perspective since 1991. His research and teaching focus on international law jurisprudence and the formation of rules of customary international law in contested subjects, such as evolving human rights issues, espionage and covert action, psychological manipulation, new technologies in conventional and asymmetrical armed conflict, and the internationalization of intellectual property rights. Fellmeth also is a leading expert on the law and regulation of international business transactions and intellectual property with a special focus on patent law and technology.
Staci McCabe, Staci.McCabe@asu.edu
(480) 965-8702
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law