Fall exhibition examines ideas of personal space

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Whether we are conscious or not of our boundary breaking, we are all guilty at one time or another of intruding into other people's lives and space. What may pass as uneventful for one individual may be the cause of great anxiety and fear for another. <i>I’m Keeping an Eye</i><span style="font-style: italic"> on You </span>explores the broad and lasting effects of our curiosity and intrusions upon others.</p><separator></separator><p>Artists featured in<i> I’m Keeping an Eye on You</i> include: Mounira Al Solh (Amsterdam/Beirut), Rachel Garfield (London), Charlotte Ginsborg (London), Pia Greschner (Berlin), Myung-Soo Kim (Tempe), Yaron Lapid (London), Jeff Luckey (New York/Berlin), Johnna MacArthur (Los Angeles), Michael Mohan (Los Angeles), Corinna Schnitt (Hamburg).</p><separator></separator><p>Organized by John Spiak, ASU Art Museum curator, I’m Keeping an Eye on You premiered as a Video Project Space at Aqua Art Miami in December 2008. This project is made possible by the generosity of Aqua Art Miami and Friends of the Arizona State University Art Museum.</p><separator></separator><p>The<span style="font-weight: bold"> </span><span style="font-weight: bold">Moving Targets</span> initiative builds on the museum's long history of exploring the role of new media in the arts. The museum presented its first media exhibition in 1993,<i> Nam June Paik: Time for Change</i> and represented the U.S. at the 1995 Venice Biennale, Italy art exhibition with the work of five installations by Bill Viola. The ASU Art Museum supports emerging artists and critically acclaimed practitioners of new genres through solo exhibitions, including William Kentridge, Shirin Neshat, Jim Campbell, Pipilotti Rist, Gary Hill and Francesco Torres. In 1997, the museum developed an annual short film and video festival, which continues to present the work of international artists. As technology penetrates all aspects of art, the museum strives to present the most innovative and engaging works.</p><separator></separator><p> As part of the<span style="font-weight: bold"> Moving Targets</span> initiative, the ASU Art Museum Short Film and Video Festival is held each April. Look for its 14th annual screening in April 2010.</p>