Engineering Research Center update
The Engineering Research Center on Arizona State University’s Tempe campus was closed April 3 after a laptop caught fire, setting off the building’s sprinklers. The building had water damage that is currently in the process of being mitigated. Some areas of the building received more water damage than others and will remain closed until cleanup is completed.
Portions of the south end of the building will be open at 8 a.m., April 5. Building occupants who need access to collect belongings before the remainder of the building is fully open can go to the north entrance of the Engineering Research Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for an escort into the building or contact the Engineering Technical Services office at (480) 965-2585. Some areas will be restricted until cleanup is complete. Access to the south end of the building at this time will be through the south entrance only.
The Engineering Research Center is home to research and instructional labs, as well as faculty offices for the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.