Employee Service Center gets new number

Beginning May 19, the Office of Human Resources’ Employee Service Center has a new number: 855.ASU.5081 (855.278.5081).

ASU has partnered with Blackboard Student Services (BbSS) to upgrade our Help Desk services for everyone in the ASU community. During the transition period, which will last several months, the current Employee Service Center number (480.965.2701) will function simultaneously with the new ESC number.

BbSS also will create a more comprehensive online Help Center, ASU’s self-service resource for questions regarding financial aid, human resources, and online and technical services.  BbSS, formerly Presidium, is a service unit of Blackboard, Inc. It is headquartered in Reston, VA, with call center locations in Killeen, TX, and Somerset, KY.

Whenever you need to contact HR, just ASK HR.