Emeritus professor to discuss nuclear weapons

Professor emeritus Richard L. Wagner, Jr. will lead a talk on "Nuclear Weapons: Until the Lamb Lies Down with the Lion" as part of an Emeritus College Colloquium scheduled for 2 to 3:30 p.m., March 20, in the sixth floor board room of the ASU Fulton Center.

Wagner has worked in nuclear weapon and weapon-system design, missile defense, defenses against nuclear terrorism, nuclear energy, non-proliferation, WMD threat reduction and other matters at the interface between science/technology and national security strategy.

He was at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from 1963-1981, where, as Deputy Director, he was second in command to Edward Teller. Wagner was Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy from 1981-1986, a position in which he had oversight of the U.S. nuclear weapon program as well as chemical- and biological-defense matters. He has been affiliated with the Los Alamos National Laboratory since 1996. Wagner has been a member of the Defense Science Board, DoD’s Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, and the Strategic Advisory Group of the United States Strategic Com- mand. He chaired NATO’s Senior Level Weapon Protection Group, the Advisory Board of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Independent Review Group of the United States Pacific Command.

He currently serves with the Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress.

Wagner will be available for conversations between 10 a.m. and noon, March 20. Call 480-965-0002 to schedule.