Ellman publishes 5th edition of family law casebook

Professor Ira Ellman of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law is senior author of the recently published Fifth Edition of the family law casebook, Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems.

Ellman’s current scholarly projects include an empirical investigation into how people make judgments about appropriate legal rules. He is an affiliate professor of psychology, a Willard H. Pedrick Distinguished Research Scholar, and a Faculty Fellow, Center for Law, Science & Innovation. He also is an affiliate faculty member of the Center for Child and Youth Policy at the University of California at Berkeley.

Ellman was Chief Reporter for the Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution. He has served on many legislative and judicial committees in Arizona concerned with family law and policy, including the Domestic Relations Committee and several committees concerned with Arizona’s Child Support Guidelines.

Judy Nichols, Judy.Nichols@asu.edu
Office of Communications, College of Law