Downtown Phoenix campus supports Westward Ho neighbors

The ASU community is getting into the holiday spirit through the gift of giving back to downtown Phoenix residents on fixed incomes.

The Downtown Phoenix campus recently kicked off its Third Annual In The Spirit of Giving Campaign, a yearly drive intended to help residents of the Westward Ho enjoy a joy-filled holiday season.

“As the holiday season commences and we begin our shopping, we have an opportunity to share our good fortune and support the folks living at the Westward Ho,” said Ronald Briggs, coordinator for residential community education in Student Engagement. “During these difficult economic times, we all know that those with little seem to have even less. Residents often find themselves running short on items by the end of the month.”

The Westward Ho, located at 618 N. Central Ave., was one of the city's premier luxury hotels until it closed in 1979.  Two years later the 16-story building was converted to housing for senior citizens.

The Department of Student and Campus Community Development and ASU Downtown Phoenix campus police with support from Theta Nu Xi Grad chapter are collecting household items to support more than 300 people residing in the facility, all of whom are on a fixed-income. 

Items needed include toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, cleaning wipes, men and women’s deodorant, razors, fabric softener sheets, body soap, crossword puzzle books, shampoo and conditioner, handkerchiefs, Kleenex, blankets, shaving cream, laundry soap, men’s socks, sheets, dry dog food, cans of cat food and kitty litter.

ASU will deliver all donated items to Westward Ho residents on Dec. 19.

Drop off locations are located at the following sites:

• University Center, 411 N. Central Ave., security booth, first floor

• University Center, 411 N. Central Ave., Suite 300

• Downtown Phoenix Post Office, 522 N. Central Ave., Suite 104

• ASU Wells Fargo Student Center, 455 N. Third Street, Suite 265

• College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation,  500 N. Third St., fourth floor

• ASU Mercado, 502 E. Monroe St., Suite C-100

• Taylor Place, 120 E. Taylor Street, Suite G036

For more information on the Third Annual In The Spirit of Giving Campaign, contact Kimberly Novak at (602) 496-4111 or