Discovery Café explores ways to reduce school bullying
We all know that bullying is a serious problem, in schools and beyond. But what can educators and community members do to prevent it? Laura Hanish, a child development researcher at Arizona State University, will talk about the problem of school bullying, how it affects children, and ways to reduce it at the Discovery Café on Oct. 4.
“The work that we are doing at ASU, in collaboration with community schools, is shedding new light on ways to reduce bullying by supporting children’s relationships at school,” says Hanish, an associate professor in the School of Social and Family Dynamics, part of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Hanish studies how girls and boys can develop harmonious peer relationships that are free from aggression, bullying, bias and harassment. She is the co-director of the Lives of Girls and Boys: Initiatives on Gender Development and Relationships, which promotes research on child relationships and translates the results into initiatives designed to improve children’s lives. In addition, she is an executive director of the Sanford Harmony Program, which provides strategies and activities for building positive relationships among schoolchildren.
“Dr. Hanish is one of many researchers at ASU whose work directly impacts the community,” says Sethuraman “Panch” Panchanathan, senior vice president of ASU’s Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development (OKED). “Discovery Café gives us the opportunity to share our research with the people it affects. It also gives community members a chance to interact directly with researchers, asking questions and sharing ideas.”
Each Discovery Cafe features an informal talk followed by questions, comments and discussion from the audience. The event series is sponsored by OKED.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 4
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: ASU SkySong, room 301-Ingenuity (map)
The event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP at