Compliance officers recognized at university event

Arizona State University compliance officers were honored for their service at a recent luncheon sponsored by Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S).
University employees volunteer as compliance officers to help ensure that laboratories and offices are operated in a safe manner. Compliance officers take training classes through EH&S, act as conduits for information from EH&S and notify EH&S of any unresolved compliance issues involving potential safety hazards, exposures, injuries or other issues.
John Riley, University Business Services vice president, expressed his gratitude to compliance officers at the event for ensuring safety at ASU.
“Thank you for everything you do,” he said. “You are creating the culture of safety at the university.”
Honored for her service with this year’s award of excellence was Rebecca Barber, who advanced technology and budget efforts for EH&S in an expanding and complex university environment.
Alan Rawls, associate vice president for clinical partnerships, provided an overview of ASU’s many clinical partnerships, highlighting the longstanding partnership ASU has with the Mayo Clinic, as well as numerous other partnerships with organizations such as Barrow Neurological Institute, TGen and Maricopa Integrated Health System.
Safety efforts by compliance officers and EH&S that were highlighted at the event included:
• Compliance officer and materials supply controller Diana Doty presented a video that teaches users to follow proper safety procedures while filling liquid nitrogen dewars at the university.
• David Gillum, associate director of biosafety and biosecurity, spoke about creating a culture of caring at the university where an emphasis is placed on health and welfare in order to maintain a safe, more productive and enjoyable environment.
That culture can be enhanced by lab workers who are knowledgeable about hazards, wear proper personal protective equipment, take required training, know how to use safety equipment and where it is located, know emergency procedures and don’t work alone, he added.
• Safety was also addressed by Lab Safety Inspector John Crozier, who discussed safety trends and called for an increase in areas such as fire-safety training, that are a requirement for all employees.
• Another aspect of safety was discussed by Fire Marshall Jim Gibbs, who pointed out where new bollards are located around walk-only zones. The bollards prevent traffic from moving through the mall areas that are for pedestrian use.
For more information about the compliance officer’s program, contact