Chodorow quoted in Texas journalist's blog

ASU Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law professor Adam Chodorow recently was quoted in Don’t Mess With Taxes, a blog created by tax journalist and Texas native, Kay Bell.
The post, “A Colorful Way to Ease IRS Notice Fears,” shares advice on how to minimize “tax correspondence induced panic attacks.”
Chodorow said a bad experience with IRS mail prompted him to come up with a color code for IRS correspondence similar to the terrorist threat system devised after 9/11.
The system includes five colors ranging from green to red, and Chodorow noted that if such color coding had been in effect when he got his initially terrifying piece of IRS mail, a green envelope would have made it immediately clear that he had nothing to worry about.
To read the full post, click here.
Chodorow’s research and teaching interests lie in tax, administrative and regulatory law. He teaches a variety of tax courses, as well as a course in business organizations. His research focuses on religious taxation and a variety of contemporary tax issues, such as the taxability of virtual income.