Central Arizona Project launches Web-based contest for 6th-8th graders

Central Arizona Project (CAP) has launched H2O4U, an online educational contest for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties.  Upon registering, students will be eligible to play an interactive, Web-based game that teaches them about Arizona’s critical Colorado River water supply.  Students who complete the game will be enrolled in a drawing to win a $1,000 educational scholarship to the university/technical school of their choice.  One scholarship will be awarded in each county.  If the winning students’ schools are also registered, the school will win a new Dell computer and flat-screen monitor.  Students and schools can register at www.capH2O4U.com.  Play takes place Oct. 16 through Dec. 15.

“We look forward to educating Arizona middle school students about the CAP water delivery system and its history,” said Crystal Thompson, CAP community relations representative.  “Not only will they have fun playing the game, they will also learn more about the critical issues related to protecting this precious resource in the desert, as well as the way our water sources are managed to ensure a secure and reliable water supply for Arizonans now and in the future.”

H204U is being collaboratively designed and implemented by CAP and students from the Arizona State University College of Technology and Innovation IDeaLaboratory and Student Web Development Enterprise.  For more information on the contest, visit www.capH2O4U.com. CAP is a 336-mile long system that annually brings about 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River water into Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties.