Can open innovation regain America's competitive edge?

The creation of new global industries, companies, organizations, and partnerships has long been dominated by American innovators. In today’s challenging world, the United States often is playing catch-up to new innovators in India, China and Europe.

Is it too late for America to retain the lead? Has our entrepreneurial edge dulled? Will China and India “out innovate” us at our own game? Join this panel of experts as they examine America’s entrepreneurial spirit and propose bold ideas for how Open Innovation can sharpen our edge.
The forum featuring eight leaders in the Open Innovation movement, moderated by ASU President Michael Crow, is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST), Oct. 29, in the ballroom at the National Press Club, located at 529 14th Street NW, Washington, D.C. The topic is "Sharpening America’s Competitive Edge through Open Innovation." Refreshments will be served at 8:30 a.m.

A live webcast of the forum event, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST), can be found here

The panel of eight Open Innovation leaders includes:

•    Diana Wells, president, Ashoka.

•    Amy Stursberg, executive director, Blackstone Charitable Foundation.

•    Jim Whitehurst, president & CEO, Red Hat, Inc.

•    Santokh Badesha, manager of Open Innovation, Xerox.

•    Matthew Von Ertfelda, vice president of Insight, Strategy, and Innovation, Marriot International.

•    Chris Thomas, CTO for Intel World Ahead Team, Intel Corporation.

•    Mitzi Montoya, executive dean, Arizona State University College of Technology and Innovation.

•    Rob Pegoraro, consumer technology columnist, The Washington Post.
Moderator: Michael Crow, president, Arizona State University.

If you are planning on attending the forum, or for additional information, contact Kate Wells at 602-703-5231 or