Can open innovation regain America's competitive edge?

<p>The creation of new global industries, companies, organizations, and partnerships has long been dominated by American innovators. In today’s challenging world, the United States often is playing catch-up to new innovators in India, China and Europe.</p><separator></separator><p>Is it too late for America to retain the lead? Has our entrepreneurial edge dulled? Will China and India “out innovate” us at our own game? Join this <a href="; target="_blank">panel of experts</a> as they examine America’s entrepreneurial spirit and propose bold ideas for how Open Innovation can sharpen our edge. <br />&nbsp;<br />The forum featuring eight leaders in the Open Innovation movement, moderated by ASU President Michael Crow, is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST), Oct. 29, in the ballroom at the National Press Club, located at 529 14th Street NW, Washington, D.C. The topic is "Sharpening America’s Competitive Edge through Open Innovation." Refreshments will be served at 8:30 a.m.</p><separator></separator><p>A live webcast of the forum event, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EST), can be found here <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.<br /><br />The panel of eight Open Innovation leaders includes:<br /><br />•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Diana Wells</strong>, president, Ashoka.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Amy Stursberg</strong>, executive director, Blackstone Charitable Foundation.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Jim Whitehurst</strong>, president &amp; CEO, Red Hat, Inc.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Santokh Badesha</strong>, manager of Open Innovation, Xerox.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Matthew Von Ertfelda</strong>, vice president of Insight, Strategy, and Innovation, Marriot International.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Chris Thomas</strong>, CTO for Intel World Ahead Team, Intel Corporation.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Mitzi Montoya</strong>, executive dean, Arizona State University College of Technology and Innovation.</p><separator></separator><p>•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Rob Pegoraro</strong>, consumer technology columnist, The Washington Post.<br />&nbsp;<br />Moderator: <strong>Michael Crow</strong>, president, Arizona State University.<br /><br />If you are planning on attending the forum, or for additional information, contact Kate Wells at 602-703-5231 or <a href="; target="_blank"></a>.</p>