Calleros organizes College of Law event with South Mountain High School

Students from South Mountain High School visited the College of Law, Sept. 27, and Oct. 2, as part of an event sponsored by the Hispanic National Bar Association Mentoring Program in Phoenix.
Professor Charles Calleros organized the mentoring program, which connects secondary and college students with law students and attorneys. The 22 South Mountain students received training in library research on U.S. Supreme Court cases dealing with the issue of slavery, with assistance from library staff and law students, had lunch with law students and reported on their research in their classrooms.
They also joined law students and attorneys on mentoring teams for an hour-long presentation on Health Care Reform Legislation and had dinner with their mentoring teams.
Calleros’ research interests include the intersection of race and gender discrimination and free speech, various issues regarding legal education, and international and comparative contract law. He teaches Contracts, International Contracts, Civil Rights Legislation, and Legal Method and Writing. At the Université Paris Descartes, he annually teaches short courses in Common Law Legal Method, Comparative and International Contracts, and International Conflict of Laws.