Book Group to discuss ASU staffer's novel

The ASU Book Group will meet from noon to 1 p.m., Dec. 3, to discuss “A World Apart,” a novel by Arizona State University staff member Camelia “Cami” Skiba, assistant to the director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration.
The group, which is open to all ASU faculty, staff and students, will meet in room 165 of the Durham Language and Literature Building on the Tempe campus.
The book is a romance novel set in Romania, which is Skiba’s native country. In the story, Lt. Cassandra Toma, trauma surgeon in the Romanian National Army, starts her deployment at the joint-unit air base M. Kogalniceanu on the wrong foot, clashing on her first day with her new commander, the American Maj. David Hunt.
Skiba has published five novels, all written in English, her third language. She moved to the United States in 2003, “following my heart and the man who stole it,” she says.
The January Book Group selection is “Wreck Me,” a book of poetry by ASU assistant professor of English Sally Ball. This meeting will be from noon to 1 p.m., Jan. 28, in Durham Language and Literature Building, room 316.
The ASU Book Group is sponsored by the Department of English. For more information, contact Judith Smith at For more information about Skiba’s books, go to