Bodansky to deliver keynote at UN program in Finland

Daniel Bodansky, the incoming ASU Lincoln Professor of Law, Ethics and Sustainability at the College of Law, will deliver a keynote lecture on international environmental law at a United Nations program in Joensuu, Finland.

Bodansky will participate on Aug. 16 in the UN Environment Programme’s Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements, co-hosted by the University of Eastern Finland. The high-profile, two-week course on lawmaking and diplomacy transfers past experience in the field of international environmental law to current and future negotiators of multilateral environmental agreements.

Bodansky is a preeminent authority on global climate change whose teaching and research focus on international environmental law and public international law. Starting this fall, he will teach courses in international law and sustainability and will be a key player in the College of Law’s new Program in Law and Sustainability.

Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law