Blogger refers to Velikonja article
An article by Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law O'Connor Fellow Urska Velikonja, "Making Peace and Making Money: Economic Analysis of the Market for Mediators in Private Practice," was discussed by California attorney Steven G. Mehta on his blog, Mediation Matters.
In "What do Tiger Woods, Tom Hanks and Top Mediators have in Common? The Market Conditions and More...," Mehta refers to Velikonja's point that mediation is a difficult business in which to succeed. Few mediators make a lot of money, and the rest are like starving artists or musicians, he says, partly because mediation is more often a judicial or legislative mandate, rather than a choice by the parties.
To read the full posting, click here.
Janie Magruder,
(480) 727-9052
Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law