Berman's financing proposal reported in 'Republic'

A front-page article about Dean Paul Schiff Berman’s new tuition model for the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law was published in the Tuesday, Nov. 2 edition of The Arizona Republic.

In reporting that the College of Law is the first school at ASU on a fast track to becoming financially self-sufficient, journalist Anne Ryman quoted officials as saying reduced state funding for Arizona’s university gives them no choice but to look for new sources.

“For us, it’s advance by these new models or terminate these schools,” President Michael Crow told Ryman. “We don’t want to do that with the law school. We want the law school to be successful. We’re not happy about doing this, but it is a way for the law school to continue to serve the people of Arizona.”

Berman said the law school would remain part of the university, and faculty and staff still would be university employees. However, by gradually enrolling more students and increasing tuition, the law school would eventually reduce its reliance on state funding.

“The sky is not falling,” Berman said. “This is actually a plan that will provide stability at a time when state funding is obviously diminishing.”

State funding for Arizona universities has fallen 18 percent over the past two years, while enrollment has continued growing.

Janie Magruder,
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law