Benefits open enrollment begins today

It’s that time of year again. The Office of Human Resources has begun online benefits open enrollment for changes that will take effect in the 2012 plan year.

The good news? There are no premium increases this year and no plan changes, except increases in HSA Saving Account contribution limits. And, if you are happy with your current health, life and short-term disability plans, you don’t have to do anything.

The only faculty and staff members who must participate in the 2012 benefits open enrollment are:

• those who want to make changes to their current plans; and/or
• those who want to have a Medical, Day Care or Limited Flexible Spending Account in 2012.

Faculty and staff members hired on or after Sept. 28, 2011 who benefits will not be effective until after Jan. 1, 2012 are not eligible to participate in this open enrollment.

Open enrollment begins:  8 a.m., Oct. 31
Open enrollment ends:  5 p.m., Nov. 18
Enroll now:

Note: You should print a copy of the benefits summary page before you submit your final online elections to use as your Confirmation Statement.  Appeals for user or system errors will be accepted between Nov. 19 and Dec. 2, 2011 only, and MUST be accompanied by a Confirmation Statement.

For questions call HR Faculty Services at 480.727.9900, HR Employee Service Center at 855.278.5081 or email