Bender interviewed on 'Horizon'

Professor Paul Bender, appearing on Eight, Arizona PBS' "Horizon" on June 17, discussed the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a lower court ruling that an Arizona voter registration law is unconstitutional.
In the interview, Bender said the Court ruled the state of Arizona cannot require people who register to vote to provide proof of citizenship when using a federal form, but can require that proof if they register using a state form.
“It’s a statutory case,” Bender said. “The federal government says you should be allowed to vote in a federal election by swearing that you’re a citizen, and the state wants to make you provide more.”
To watch the interview, click here.
Bender teaches courses on U.S. and Arizona constitutional law, has argued more than 20 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and actively participates in constitutional litigation in federal and state courts.