Attorney to lead colloquium on transgender migrants and asylum

<p>Attorney Regina Jefferies will be the featured presenter in the next Justice and Social Inquiry Colloquium, to be held Nov. 10, in the Memorial Union,&nbsp;Ventana&nbsp;C, on ASU's Tempe campus. The focus of the colloquium is "Transgender Migrants, Asylum and Immigration Law." &nbsp;Jefferies&nbsp;successfully argued two asylum cases in Federal Immigration Court recently and will share a hands-on perspective on this important area of human rights, organizing and litigation. She will be joined in the discussion by representatives&nbsp;of the Tucson-based organization Colibrí. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with light refreshments, followed by the discussion at 6 p.m.&nbsp;</p><separator></separator><p>Jefferies is partner in the firm of Thomas &amp; Jefferies and practices solely in the field of immigration and nationality law. She&nbsp;has extensive experience in family-based immigration, Federal court litigation and deportation defense. The firm works with individuals and families throughout the United States and abroad to find innovative solutions to complex immigration and nationality issues.</p><separator></separator><p>Previously, Jefferies was manager of the Immigration Services Program at Friendly House Inc., a non-profit, social services agency in Phoenix. Before joining Friendly House, Jefferies worked for the international firm of Littler Mendelson Global, focusing exclusively on employment-based immigration.</p><separator></separator><p>For additional information about Regina Jefferies’ visit, contact Alan Gomez, assistant professor in Justice and Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation, <a href=""></a>.&nbsp;</p&gt;