ASU's Polytechnic campus plan details a polytechnic model for campus

In response to Arizona State University President Michael Crow's objective to develop definitive plans for the evolution of ASU's Polytechnic campus toward a polytechnic model, Arizona State University's Polytechnic campus initiated a study of other universities that might be considered "polytechnics," whether or not they use the term to describe themselves.

The campus found a range of institutions that come under this rubric, including broad-based land grant universities as well as more narrowly focused technological universities.

From this study, administrators have identified some design elements that they felt ought to characterize the further development of ASU's Polytechnic campus as a polytechnic. Some of the design elements include:

  • Offering a broad array of professionally oriented programs, including a number in the arts and sciences;
  • Having a significant research mission, as a part of ASU, that is particularly characterized by outcomes focused scholarship;
  • Having significant graduate education in unique fields offered at ASU's Polytechnic campus, including doctoral programs where there is faculty strength and student demand;
  • Developing a campus identity as a place that emphasizes technological enrichment and literacy in all programs;
  • Placing high value on the social embeddedness mission of ASU in all programs;
  • Developing towards a range and number of academic programs and support services necessary to serve 20,000 students;
  • Continuing to be called "Arizona State University's Polytechnic campus", with flexible use of the term "The Polytechnic" when it enhances the message and identity for marketing purposes.

The study goes on to suggest some potential programmatic clusters that might be developed at a professionally oriented campus of ASU, including agribusiness, natural resources management, business, engineering, the built environment, health related studies, education, technology, computer related studies, sciences, and arts, humanities, and social sciences.

The report - available at - concludes by mentioning a variety of implementation issues, including the need to get faculty, students, and staff involved in further discussion and planning, and faculty transfer models and the support services infrastructure as resource concerns.