ASU's Polytechnic campus celebrates Welcome Week 2002

Don't believe this headline.

The truth is that ASU's Polytechnic campus's Welcome Week 2002 has expanded into Welcome Weeks, so new students and their families can take advantage of a full -- and we do mean full -- agenda of get-acquainted, get-settled, get-going activities.

The Welcome Weeks calendar includes an all-day, all-campus orientation/welcome, a lively Feast and Fest hosted by ASU's Polytechnic campus's deans at the Williams Campus Union, a Mocktail Madness party in the dining hall, a Get-Involved-to-Get-Ahead program, a free lunch at the Physical Activities Center (the first in a monthly series), and literally dozens of other events, field trips, meetings, introductions and -- absolutely, yes -- occasions for fun.

"Our main goal is to create a sense of community on campus," says Mike Mader, director of student activities/Williams Campus Union. "We want to get our new students acquainted early with the people, the services, the extra-curricular activities, and the very special environment we are building here ASU's Polytechnic campus."

The official Welcome Week begins August 23 with an Orientation/kick-off day, highlighted for faculty and staff by receptions hosted at separate locations by each of the three ASU's Polytechnic campus colleges from 1 to 1:45 p.m. School of Applied Arts & Sciences's reception will be in the Learning Center; College of Technology and Innovation will be in Tech Center 194; and the Morrison School of Management and Agribusiness reception will take place on the garden level of the Center Building.

"We hope the receptions see a big turn out of faculty and staff to greet our new students and their families," Mader says.

Another focal point on the calendar is the fourth annual Deans' Feast and Fest from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., August 28, in the Williams Campus Union.

"This is always a great event," Mader says. "We had more than 500 turn out last year, and we're hoping to see even more this year."

The Feast and Fest is designed to introduce students, faculty and staff in a social environment before the semester kicks into high gear. This event will feature food, raffle drawings and prizes, representatives from student organizations and local business, and as a special treat: eclectic tunes by D.J. Museman, aka Jay Busch of the School of Applied Arts & Sciences faculty.

At noon on August 29, Williams Campus Union and the Physical Activities Center will host the first in a series of lunches where students can get acquainted with the faculty, staff and equipment available to them at the activity center. The events will continue through the year.

Among other events on the calendar is the Mocktail Madness party, set for 7 to 8 p.m., September 3, in the Dining Hall, and the following evening, September 4, marks the opening of the Upper Bar Coffee House at the Williams Campus Union. Mader says the campus will hear more about this and other activities in the future.

In the meantime, he says he joins the rest of ASU's Polytechnic campus in greeting old friends and meeting new ones during Welcome Weeks 2002.

On August 21 and 22, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Housing is seeking "master movers" to help students and families get settled in the residence halls. Faculty and staff are encourage to volunteer for this event. Contact Bee Sena at 727-1707. Participants receive a free T-shirt.

For additional information on Welcome Weeks 2002, contact Mike Mader at or 727-1215.