ASU to test alert system Dec. 5

ASU Alert

Arizona State University will test its ASU Alert emergency notification system on Thursday, Dec. 5. ASU conducts an annual test of its emergency messaging system to ensure the system is working as intended.

ASU Alert communicates primarily life-threatening situations to the ASU community through a variety of methods, including text messaging. This service provides incident information in the most immediate fashion through text messaging. Situations when an ASU Alert may be sent include a major fire or incident involving a firearm on and around campus.

Student and employee mobile numbers from the ASU directory are automatically added to ASU Alert. Up to 10 mobile numbers may be added. Students, faculty and staff who would like to verify or change their mobile phone number to receive ASU Alert texts may follow these steps:

• Click here to manage phone numbers. 
• Select mobile as "Phone type." 
• Click "save" to add or update. 

The ASU Police Department has the authority to issue emergency messages as they deem necessary to maximize public safety.

Emergency messages are not sent during every incident that calls for the response of the ASU Police Department. Depending on the situation, other methods that may be deployed include: door-to-door notifications; ASU Police patrol vehicle public address system; crime alerts; text messages; reverse 9-1-1; freeway electronic billboards; ASU home page messages; ASU news page messages; mass e-mail; media alert; emergency information hotline messages; Facebook postings; Twitter messages; RSS feed; and My ASU Web page alerts.

Because each situation will present individual challenges, some or all of these communication methods will be used in an emergency. Follow-up messages to the university and to broader audiences such as parents and alumni will be sent as needed.

Another messaging option is ASU Advisory, considered a tier below ASU Alert. ASU Advisory communicates situations to the ASU community that may not be life-threatening and typically affect certain areas of a campus. Examples include a small fire in a building during off hours or flooding in a building that will affect classes that day. ASU Advisory messages are sent through a variety of methods, including text messaging. ASU Advisory will not be tested on Thursday.

To modify Alert and Advisory subscriptions:

• Click here
• Click subscriptions on the left, then edit button next to the subscription.
• Click “save” when done.