ASU, Tempe police address traffic safety
As the new school year commences, Arizona State University Police and Tempe Police departments are making a concerted effort to inform the ASU community of traffic laws by providing information, giving warnings and issuing tickets when necessary.
Officers will make sure that students, faculty and staff abide by traffic laws and stop all violators. During the first week of school, officers will focus on issuing educational warnings. After the first week, officers will focus more on enforcing traffic laws by issuing traffic citations.
The heaviest traffic enforcement zones throughout the year will be along Apache Boulevard and University Drive along the campus borders. The police departments are embarking on the education and enforcement campaign to ensure traffic safety, especially in areas such as along Apache Boulevard where parallel parking and an increased student population are more prevalent this year.
“It’s especially important for everyone at ASU to obey traffic laws as more students are on campus and light-rail is becoming operational within a matter of months,” says James Hardina, ASU Police commander.
Specific violations that will be cited include walking against a “Don’t Walk” signal, walking mid-block outside of a marked crosswalk and riding a bicycle the wrong way against traffic.